The Finest of
Kiwiberries... |
Our distinct variety superior in both taste and
nutrition |

These are the
of our fourteen year breeding and trial program.
With an apple like blush in
appearance, they are unequaled in taste with blended flavors of super sweet
kiwi, exotic melon, and a cotton candy finish.
"They're superb"
(Photo & Comment by
David Karp "The Fruit Detective")
berries have the highest sugar levels on record with an average of 28.25% Brix.
(Certified by Penn
State University Dept. of Horticulture - Foolad Labs, University Park, PA in 2009).
Read more about
These are the world's sweetest, most flavorful,
and most nutritious kiwi ever produced for human consumption.
Consumer Comment
I cannot get enough of the Passion Poppers. I drove out of my way yesterday
again, bought 3 more packages and only have 1 left since 5pm last night! lol
